قائدی, غلامحسین

دانشکده پزشکی دانشگاه شاهد

[ 1 ] - ارتباط بین هوش هیجانی و سازوکار‌‌های دفاعی

  Background : Emotional intelligence as an ability to manage feelings and emotions plays an important role in individual’s life and his or her success. Defense mechanisms occurring unconsciously can influence the emotions and their management and therefore are likely to change the level of individual’s emotional intelligence. The aim of this article was to examine the relation between defense ...

[ 2 ] - اختلالات روان‌پزشکی و بدکارکردی‌های جنسی

Sexual dysfunctions are highly prevalent among patients with psychiatric disorders. These dysfunctions may be caused by the psychopathology and pharmacotherapy of the psychiatric disorders. A lot of researches have studied the relationship between sexual dysfunctions and psychiatric disorders. The results of the researches show that psychiatric disorders have an important role in the developmen...

[ 3 ] - The Mediational Roles of Law of Contagion and Threat Estimations in the Relation Between Disgust and Contamination-Based OCD Symptoms

Goal: The law of contagion is one of the sympathetic magic principals and is a cognitive distortion related with disgust. To explain how and with which mechanism, disgust can lead to contamination-OCD symptoms, the present study supposes that the emotion of disgust can activate the law of contagion which in turn may motivate threat estimations that finally, results in OCD symptoms. Method: Thi...