عباسی, محمد

گروه آموزشی پرستاری، دانشکده پرستاری و مامایی، دانشگاه علوم پزشکی قم، قم، ایران.

[ 1 ] - تجربه زیسته ازدواج دانشجویی: مطالعه پدیده‌شناسی

زمینه و هدف: در ایران، مسئله ازدواج از مسائل اجتماعی و فرهنگی زمان معاصر تلقی می‌شود؛ زیرا به‌نظر می‌رسد مشکلات، تنگناها و موانع بر سر راه جوانان، به‌ویژه قشر دانشجو در سال‌های اخیر افزایش یافته است. بنابراین، درک تجربه ازدواج دانشجویی، به‌منظور ارائه اطلاعات مناسب جهت کشف و بررسی مداخلات مربوطه و قابل‌قبول مورد نیاز است. مطالعه حاضر با هدف تبیین تجارب زیسته ازدواج دانشجویی انجام شد. روش بررسی:...

[ 2 ] - Barriers to Observance of the Codes of Professional Ethics in Clinical Care: Perspectives of Nurses and Midwifery of Hospitals Affiliated with Qom University of Medical Sciences in 2016

Background and Objectives: The observance of professional ethics is one of the most important expectations from health care team whose application has a tremendous effect on treatment course. The aim of this study was to investigate barriers to observance of the codes of professional ethics in clinical settings from the perspectives of nurses and midwifery in hospitals affiliated with Qom Unive...

[ 3 ] - The comparison of indicators of air and ground emergency with international standards in trauma resulting from accidents patients in Qom in 2016

Introduction: The pre-hospital emergency care system plays a very important role in the transmission of injuries to medical centers. One of the effective factors in reducing mortality is the timely presence of the treatment team and their rapid transfer. Today, these casualties are transported both aerial and terrestrial. The purpose of this study was the comparison of time indicators of air an...

[ 4 ] - Investigation on the States of Antibiotics Prescription in Hospitals in Qom, Iran, during 2019

Background and Objectives: Irrational use of antibiotics can lead to increased drug resistance. The Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical/ Defined Daily Dose (ATC/DDD) system is a tool to monitor medication use, evaluate the improvements in drug consumption quality, and make comparisons between international and other levels in this regard. This study aimed to determine the status of antibiotic presc...