Hassan Zare-maivan

Department of Plant Biology, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, IR Iran

[ 1 ] - Caspian Coastal Forests: Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Understory Vegetation

Moist and temperate Caspian forests are associated with a diversity of soil types and topography.  Although, natural history and ecological attributes of the Caspian vegetation is well-documented, little is known about mycorrhizae of the Caspian (Hyrcanian) flora. Samples of herbaceous plant species were collected from 4 pre-determined altitudes (-13 upto about 1500m above sea level, appro...

[ 2 ] - Stress Response of Dominant Forest Tree Species South of the Caspian Sea in Relation to Soil from Coast to Upland

Distribution and growth of plant species is affected by many factors including abiotic (topography, altitude and soil) and biotic (root symbiosis) factors. In light of global warming, recent findings advocate microhabitats and micro-conditions of the root zone and canopy ambiance as determining factors in sustaining of plant populations. Although, occurrence of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) and non...

[ 3 ] - Salicornia europaea L. Maintains its Physiological Integrity under High Salinity Stress in Retreated Sections of the Urmia Lake, Iran

increased salinity stress because of rising temperature as a result of global warming. High salinity enhances plants photorespiration and affects its physiology, but Salicornia europaea L. in Urmia Lake has adapted to grow, propagate and occupy increasingly exposed saline habitats. Plant and soil samples were collected in triplicate plots from different sites of retreated beds of Urmia Lake in ...

[ 4 ] - Benthic Fauna of Shadegan Wetland

Biological response and ecological indices of benthic communities, such as greater mortality of foraminifera and shell abnormalities, have been used to document pollution effects on ecosystems. Shadegan Wetland was damaged from a deposition of huge amounts of soot and products of burning oilwells of Kuwait as well as chronic exhaust fumes of refinery and industrial furnaces. In this investigati...

[ 5 ] - Determining Residues of PCBs and Agricultural Insecticides in Sediments of Arvand Rood River and Two Resident Fish Species (Liza abu, Cyprinus carpio ) in the Persian Gulf Area

Residues of complex organochlorine and organophosphate as well as various compounds of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are reported from sediments and two species of fish ( Liza abu and Cyprinus carpio) residing in Arvand Rood River (ARR) in the Persian Gulf area. One hundred fish specimens and triplicate sediment samples taken from 15 stations 2 Km apart in an area close to the Persian Gulf w...

[ 6 ] - Study of biodiversity indices in habitats of Prunus eburnea (Spach) Aitch. & Hemsl in Iran

Prunus eburnea (Spach) Aitch. & Hemsl. is an endemic plant species of Iran-Afghanestan, which has medicinal and nutritional value and distributed in extensive parts of arid and semi-arid ecosystems of Iran. The aims of this study were to investigate the life forms and chorology of associated perennial plant species and biodiversity indices in 52 habitats. Habitats were divided into ten main reg...