R. salehi

Department of Environment, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, P.O.Box 14155-775, Tehran, Iran

[ 1 ] - A Comparative Assessment of State of Environment Report in Tehran and Sydney, With an Emphasis on Sustainable Cities’ Criteria

One of the most comprehensive tools to show the changing trend in urban ecosystems is by providing periodic State of Environment Report (SoER) for cities in national programs, wherein it is quite essential to have a truthful and realistic view of the current state of the environment as well as significant human impacts. Developing countries like Iran are faced with incoherent and deficient SoER...

[ 2 ] - A Comparative Assessment of State of Environment Report in Tehran and Sydney, With an Emphasis on Sustainable Cities’ Criteria

One of the most comprehensive tools to show the changing trend in urban ecosystems is by providing periodic State of Environment Report (SoER) for cities in national programs, wherein it is quite essential to have a truthful and realistic view of the current state of the environment as well as significant human impacts. Developing countries like Iran are faced with incoherent and deficient SoER...
