Kambiz Kamyab

Depatment of Dermatology, Razi Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

[ 1 ] - Segmental pigmentation disorder: A rare form of cutaneous dyspigmentation

Background: Segmental pigmentation disorder (SegPD) is a rare type of cutaneous dyspigmentation. This hereditary disorder, first described some 20 years ago, is characterized by hypo and hyperpigmented patches on the trunk, extremities and less likely on the face and neck. These lesions are considered as a type of checkerboard pattern. Case Presentation: Herein, we present a 26-year-old male...

[ 2 ] - Low Expression of Occludin in the Melanoma Patient

Background & Objective: Malignant melanoma is the fatal cutaneous neoplasm which is curable by the early diagnosis. The expression of occludin protein which is an integral membrane protein is altered in an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. Although, recent studies provide sufficient evidence supporting the functional importance of occludin in cancer, the prognostic signific...