Aghamolaei, T.

[ 1 ] - IUD continuation rate and the reasons for discontinuation in women referring to Bandar Abbas health centers, Iran

Introduction: TCU-380 A IUD is one of the safest and widely used methods reversible of contraception. The purposes of this study were to determine continuation rate and its determinants and also the reasons for discontinuation of the TCU-380A IUD in women who referred to health centers of Bandar Abbas. Methods: The population studied in this retrospective survey was women who had started using...

[ 2 ] - Cigarette and hookah using pattern in over-15 population of Bandar Abbas, a population based study

Introduction: Tobacco use is considered as an important general health problem and it is known as one of the preventable causes of morbidity and mortality. The goal of this survey was to determine the cigarette and hookah using model in over-15 population residing in Bandar Abbas. Methods: In this population-based study, a total number of 1810 over-15 residents of Bandar Abbas were selected us...

[ 4 ] - Customers' perceptions and expectations of primary healthcare services quality in health centers of Bandar Abbas

Introduction: Quality health services section is very important because its mission and role in health maintenance and care of community. The aim of this study was to determine women's perceptions of current situation in health centers of Bandar Abbas and their expectations of optimum status. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, a total of 400, fill out a questionnaire which had been design...

[ 5 ] - Malaria infestation in foreign immigrants residing Larestan township in 2003 - 2004

Introduction: Malaria is still one of the important health problems in tropical countries with annual large number of morbidity and mortality in world population. The hot and dry southern area of Iran, accommodating numerous emigrants including Afghanis and Pakistanis, is considered a high risk region in the area. The aim of this survey was detecting cases in Larestan, Fars province. Methods:...

[ 6 ] - Customers' perceptions and expectations of primary healthcare services quality in health centers of Bandar Abbas

Introduction: Quality health services section is very important because its mission and role in health maintenance and care of community. The aim of this study was to determine women's perceptions of current situation in health centers of Bandar Abbas and their expectations of optimum status. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, a total of 400, fill out a questionnaire which had been design...

[ 7 ] - شکاف کیفیت خدمات آموزشی از دیدگاه دانشجویان در دانشگاه علوم پزشکی هرمزگان

زمینه: آموزش عالی به سرعت در حال رشد است و هر روز بیشتر با فرآیندهای جهانی شدن مواجه می شود. کیفیت خدمات آموزشی با تأکید بر رضایت دانشجویان اخیرأ از اهمیت زیادی برخوردار شده است. هدف: این مطالعه با هدف تعیین شکاف کیفیت خدمات آموزشی از دیدگاه دانشجویان در دانشگاه علوم پزشکی هرمزگان صورت گرفت. روش­کار: در این مطالعه مقطعی، نمونه پژوهش 300 نفر از دانشجویان بودند که به صورت تصادفی انتخاب شدند. جمع­...

[ 8 ] - Comparison of Self and Students' Evaluation of Faculty Members in School of Health of Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences

Introduction: Comparing the results of students' evaluation and faculty members' self-evaluation can reveal the strengths and weaknesses of faculty members in teaching. The aim of this study was to compare students' evaluation of teaching and faculty members' self-evaluation in School of Health in Bandar Abbas. Methods: The population under study in this cross-sectional survey was faculty memb...