Hamidreza Alihoseini

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Arak, 38156-8-8349, Arak, Iran.

[ 1 ] - $(-1)$-Weak Amenability of Second Dual of Real Banach Algebras

Let $ (A,| cdot |) $ be a real Banach algebra, a complex algebra $ A_mathbb{C} $ be a complexification of $ A $ and $ | | cdot | | $ be an algebra norm on  $ A_mathbb{C}  $  satisfying a simple condition together with the norm $ | cdot | $ on $ A$.  In this paper we first show that $ A^* $ is a real Banach $ A^{**}$-module if and only if $ (A_mathbb{C})^* $ is a complex Banach $ (A_mathbb{C})^{...
