پهلوانی, محمد هادی

گروه اصلاح نباتات و بیوتکنولوژی، دانشکده تولید گیاهی، دانشگاه علوم کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی گرگان

[ 1 ] - تأثیر تنش خشکی بر بیان ژن‌های درگیر در سنتز و هیدرولیز فروکتان در طی انتقال مجدد ذخایر فتوسنتزی ریشه گندم

در شرایط تنش خشکی که یکی از مهم‌ترین عوامل محدودکننده عملکرد گندم در مناطق خشک و نیمه‌خشک محسوب می‌شود، انتقال مجدد مواد فتوسنتزی به منظور پر کردن دانه‌های گندم اهمیت بیشتری می‌یابد. در مورد اهمیت ریشه در انتقال مجدد طی پر شدن دانه‌ها تحت تنش خشکی اطلاعات اندکی در دسترس است. لاین موتانت پیشرفته گندم نان (T-65-7-1) به همراه تیپ وحشی آن (رقم طبسی) در دو شرایط رطوبتی (مطلوب و 40-30 درصـد ظرفیت مزر...

[ 2 ] - Valuations of Variables as Selection Index for Improving Grain Yield in Bread Wheat

Identifying selection indices is the most important step of a breeding project that aims to improve grain yield. The definition of the selection index is usually done by evaluating the variables in multivariate statistical methods. In the present study, the relationship between grain yield and its components in bread wheat genotypes was determined by multivariate statistical methods. The experi...

[ 3 ] - Determination of haplotype variation and relationship between desirable agronomic traits and microsatellite alleles on chromosomes 4B and 7D in bread wheat

The aim of this study was to determine the haplotype groups and identify the specific alleles associated with desirable agronomic characteristics in bread wheat. For this purpose, 42 local bread wheat genotypes belong to Iran region and nine commercial cultivars along with Chinese Spring variety (reference genotype) were cultivated in the format of augmented design and evaluated based on their ...

[ 4 ] - Graphical Analysis of Reaction of Bread Wheat Genotypes to Water Stress in Lorestan Province

In order to determine the most effective indices for quantifying drought tolerance and identify genotypes that are tolerant to water stress in bread wheat, 50 bread wheat genotypes were compared in a randomized complete block design with three replications under both the non-stress dry farming with two complementary irrigation and the water stress dry farming conditions in Khorramabad, Iran. An...