Maryam Raoof

Associate Professor, Department of Endodontic, School of Dentistry, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran

[ 1 ] - Evaluation of X-ray protective shielding used in dental offices in Kerman, Iran, in 2014

BACKGROUND AND AIM: Protective equipment, such as lead aprons and thyroid shields, is effective in reducing patient radiation. This study was conducted for evaluation the use of thyroid shields and lead aprons in dental offices, in Kerman, Iran, in June 2014.METHODS: In this descriptive-analytical study, 106 dental offices with active X-ray machines were evaluated in Kerman. The information was...

[ 2 ] - The use of re-surgery in the treatment of teeth with severe sensitivity in the buccal mucous ‎membrane: A case report with 75 months follow-up

BACKGROUND AND AIM: A periapical endodontic surgery is an alternative treatment when teeth are not responding to conventional treatment and endodontic re-treatment.CASE REPORT: The following case report presents a clinical case of maxillary right and left central incisors with unsatisfying endodontic surgery and severe sensitivity in the buccal mucous membrane. Radiographic examination revealed...

[ 3 ] - A modification of a previous model for inflammatory tooth pain: Effects of different capsaicin and formalin concentrations and ibuprofen

BACKGROUND: This study aimed to solve the problems faced with the previous model of inflammatory tooth pain in rats. METHODS: After cutting 2 mm of the distal extremities, the polyethylene crowns were placed on the mandibular incisors. In contrast to the original model, we used flow composite instead of wire in order to maximize the retention of crowns. Different concentrations of capsaicin (10...