kamrani fakoor, shahrbanoo

Tarbiat Modares University

[ 1 ] - Explanation of Adoptive Families’ Experiences of Adopted Children Problems: a Grounded Theory Approach

Extended Abstract Introduction: Adoption of a child is a complex social construct that is often challenging and does not always result in immediate happiness. Children who are adopted, particularly those with a history of adversity prior to adoption, are at the risk of developing problems in behavioral and emotional self-regulation, attention deficits, or inhibitory control; as well as problem...

[ 2 ] - Explanation of Adoptive Families’ Experiences of Adopted Children Problems: a Grounded Theory Approach

Extended Abstract Introduction: Adoption of a child is a complex social construct that is often challenging and does not always result in immediate happiness. Children who are adopted, particularly those with a history of adversity prior to adoption, are at the risk of developing problems in behavioral and emotional self-regulation, attention deficits, or inhibitory control; as well as problem...