امین قنبری

دانشجوی کارشناسی ارشد مدیریت دولتی دانشگاه تهران

[ 1 ] - ارزشیابی خط مشی نحوه پذیرش دانشجو در ایران از منظر عدالت

یکی از اهداف قوانین نحوه پذیرش دانشجو در ایران، تحقق عدالت می‌باشد. در همین راستا، پژوهش حاضر با هدف ارزشیابی قوانین نحوه پذیرش دانشجو از جهت عدالت به انجام رسید. برای رسیدن به این هدف، روش پژوهش ترکیبی بکار گرفته شد، بدین صورت که پژوهش با روش کیفی آغاز شد و با روش کمی ادامه یافت. بخش کیفی پژوهش با هدف اکتشاف شاخص‌های عدالت که بتوان با آن‌ها قوانین نحوه پذیرش دانشجو را ارزشیابی نمود، صورت گرفت....

[ 2 ] - Prioritization of faculty members promotion criteria based on a comparative study in the context of faculty promotion systems in selected universities

Faculty members are one of the important pillars of universities that play an significant role in the development of countries. Regarding the important position of faculty members in the development of the country and higher education, this research has proceeded to one of the policies that has a significant impact on faculty memberschr('39') performance. This study was aimed at lesson-drawing ...

[ 3 ] - Comparing the views of students and faculty members on the position of procedural justice in the student selection system in Iran

One of the aims of the student selection system is to achieve justice. In this regard, the study was conducted to investigate the procedural justice in the student selection system for bachelor's degrees. To achieve this aim, the mixed method was used. First, data were collected through interviews with experts and analyzed by thematic analysis method, and thus, indexes for procedural justice we...
