Akbar Nazari

Department of Mathematics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran.

[ 1 ] - Construction of continuous $g$-frames and continuous fusion frames

A generalization of the known results in fusion frames and $g$-frames theory to continuous fusion frames which defined by M. H. Faroughi and R. Ahmadi, is presented in this study. Continuous resolution of the identity (CRI) is introduced, a new family of CRI is constructed, and a number of reconstruction formulas are obtained. Also, new results are given on the duality of continuous fusion fram...

[ 2 ] - Some relationship between G-frames and frames

In this paper we proved that every g-Riesz basis for Hilbert space $H$ with respect to $K$ by adding a condition is a Riesz basis for Hilbert $B(K)$-module $B(H,K)$. This is an extension of [A. Askarizadeh, M. A. Dehghan, {em G-frames as special frames}, Turk. J. Math., 35, (2011) 1-11]. Also, we derived similar results for g-orthonormal and orthogonal bases. Some relationships between dual fra...

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