Hoda Rahimifard

Research Center for Environmental Pollutants and Department of Environmental Health Engineering, Qom University of Medical Sciences

[ 1 ] - Assessment of Job Stress and Personal-Related Factors among the Workers of a Military Industry

Health of organization’s employees is dependent on psychosocial factors such as job stress, considerably. Job stress is related to the low quality of life, job burnout, increasing the risk of accidents and work–related injuries and cause job change and early retirement of employees. This study aimed to evaluate employees’ job stress in an industry as well as to assess its relationship by person...

[ 2 ] - Regression Models of Some Anthropometric Dimensions Based on Stature: A Case Study among Students 18 to 26 Years

Abstract  Background and Purpose Anthropometric data is an essential part of the ergonomics design of the equipment, environment and work. Using anthropometric information, designers will be able to design appropriately the needs of the dimensional characteristics of the target group. According to studies, the structural characteristics of the human body are influenced by factors such as ra...