nejati, soraya

Tehran university of Medical Sciences,Tehran, Iran.

[ 1 ] - Comparison of the effect of massage of olive oil and sweet almonds on prevention of bed sore in ICU patients

Back ground: Bed sore is a complication that many patients suffer from. From the duties of nurses, care is at different levels of prevention. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of massage of olive oil and sweet almonds on prevention of bed sore in patients hospitalized in ICU.   Materials and methods: This study is a double-blind randomized clinical trial that was performed...

[ 2 ] - The effect of self-management program on the satisfaction of life in patients with spinal cord injury

 Introduction: Spinal cord injuries are one of the most harmful injuries caused by secondary complications resulting from these secondary complications that reduce their satisfaction with their lives. Many of these secondary complications can be reduced or prevented by proper self-management. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of self-management program on life satisfaction in...

[ 3 ] - Investigating the effect of self-management program on self-efficacy of elderly women in West Tehran

Introduction: The need to pay attention to the elderly is considered very important due to the increase in their number, in this period of life, the health of the elderly is threatened due to the weakness of the immune system and chronic diseases. It is possible to bring the elderly to maximum independence and health improvement with the self-management program, which is one of the rehabilitati...