Zainab Abdulameer Abdulrasol

3Assistant. Lect., Maternal and Newborn Health Nursing, College of Nursing, University of Babylon, Hillah, Iraq.

[ 1 ] - Measurement the Self-Efficacy among Infertile Women in Al-Hilla City

Objectives: This study aims to measure the self-efficacy among women who are suffering from infertility in the Al-Hilla city/ Iraq Methods: Cross-sectional design carried out in Al-Hilla city to measure the self-efficacy among infertile women. Non-probability purposive sampling consisted of 107 (Mean± SD= 28.81±6.306) women had infertility. The date which is collected from the study sample by ...

[ 2 ] - Body Image and its relation to Self Esteem among Amputation Cases at Prosthetics Center in Hilla City/Iraq

Objectives: Throughout history, peoples live through the vicissitudes of time, from situations of security, peace, recovery and development to situations of war and the vicissitudes of nature and its cruelty over the diversity, intensity, duration or shortness of life.The study aimed to assess the self-esteem of patients who are amputees in Hilla City at Babylon Province, in Middle Iraq. Me...

[ 3 ] - Social Support and its Relationship to Quality of Life among Amputation Cases

Background: Social support is an important source of psychological and social support that a disabled needs in his daily life, as its size and level of satisfaction affect how the patient perceives the various stresses of life. Because of the neglect of amputations, it is necessary to study social support and its impact on their quality of life. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to inve...