Soltanabadi, Samane

Ph.D. Student in Clinical Psychology, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

[ 1 ] - The relationship between positive and negative affect and psychosocial function in the corona epidemic: the mediating role of psychological resilience

The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of psychological resilience in the relationship between positive and negative emotions and the psychosocial functioning of individuals during the corona. The design of the present study was descriptive correlation and path analysis was applied. The statistical population included Iranian adults, of which 461 people participated in this...

[ 2 ] - Fear of compassion for others in the coronavirus epidemic Based on mindfulness and psychological pathology

COVID-19 is a widespread global health crisis that has serious and harmful consequences for mental health and social relationships. In such conditions, compassion can be a protective factor, and fear of compassion can increase vulnerability to psychosocial distress. Thus, it seems necessary to investigate the factors that may be involved in the fear of compassion for others. The aim of this stu...