نتایج جستجو برای: fae

تعداد نتایج: 295  

Journal: :Analytica chimica acta 2009
Dean Lee Steve Rumbelow S Kim Ratanathanawongs Williams

A two-step HPLC separation that combines isocratic and gradient elution has been developed for the analysis of trace impurities in fatty alcohol ethoxylates (FAEs). Quantitative estimates of the early eluting impurities were obtained from a calibration curve based on the responses of an evaporative light scattering detector (ELSD). Isocratic conditions were used to elute the impurities and grad...

Yuya Nagasawa Yu Takahashi Wataru Itani Hitoshi Watanabe Yusuke Hidaka Shotaro Morita Kei Suzuki Kouichi Watanabe Shyuichi Ohwada Haruki Kitazawa Morikazu Imamura Takashi Yokoyama Motohiro Horiuchi Suehiro Sakaguchi Shirou Mohri Michael T. Rose Tomonori Nochi Hisashi Aso

Microfold (M) cells are a kind of intestinal epithelial cell in the follicle-associated epithelium (FAE) of Peyer’s patches. They can transport antigens and microorganisms to lymphoid tissues. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder in cattle. It is linked to variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans. Although it is thought that M cells transport the BSE a...

N. S. Sutherland

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Journal: :Applied and environmental microbiology 2005
Olivier Nercessian Emma Noyes Marina G Kalyuzhnaya Mary E Lidstrom Ludmila Chistoserdova

Active members of the bacterial community in the sediment of Lake Washington, with special emphasis on C1 utilizers, were identified by employing two complementary culture-independent approaches: reverse transcription of environmental mRNA and 16S rRNA combined with PCR (RT-PCR) and stable-isotope probing (SIP) of DNA with the 13C-labeled C1 substrates methanol, methylamine, formaldehyde, and f...

Journal: :IRB 1986
Nicholas Christakis Morris Panner

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D. B. R. K. Gupta Udatha Valeria Mapelli Gianni Panagiotou Lisbeth Olsson

BACKGROUND Feruloyl esterases (FAEs) are important biomass degrading accessory enzymes due to their capability of cleaving the ester links between hemicellulose and pectin to aromatic compounds of lignin, thus enhancing the accessibility of plant tissues to cellulolytic and hemicellulolytic enzymes. FAEs have gained increased attention in the area of biocatalytic transformations for the synthes...

Steven Fein

Since Jones and Harris (1967) first introduced it to the published world, the bias that Sabini, Siepmann, and Stein (this issue) refer to as the fundamental attribution error (FAE) has been the catalyst for a tremendous amount of research. Around the time of its 13th birthday (an age of particular significance in some cultures), Jones (1979), beaming like a proud father, characterized it as a "...

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