نام پژوهشگر: فرشید حسامی

بررسی خوکارامدی و مدیریت رفتاری معلمان انگلیسی و عربی در مدارس راهنمایی کرمانشاه
پایان نامه دانشگاه رازی - کرمانشاه - دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی 1393
  فرشید حسامی   فردوس جمالی

in recent years, there has been a growing interest among researchers to investigate the relationship betweenteacher self-efficacy and classroom behavior management, especially students misbehavior. therefore, this study aimed to comparatively investigate english and arabic teachers’ use of different behavior managementstrategies, their self-efficacy, and their success in an iranian context. the participants of this study were chosen from kermanshah secondary schools.the sampling procedure was based on convenient sampling. they were all secondary schoolteachers (grade 7 to 9) who teach english or arabic. the participants were required to fill out the survey ofbehaviormanagementpractices questionnaire and werealso asked to rate their use of various behavior management strategies, how confident they felt in employing different strategies, and how successful they found these strategies. both descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were utilized in this study. descriptive statistics was used to report the frequency, mean and standard deviation. the higher the participants’ frequency and mean in the items in the questionnaire, the more frequent, confident, and successful they will be in using a certain behavior management strategy. to answer the research questions, the kolmogorov-smirnov test was used to evaluate the normal distributions of the scores. moreover, to find out whether there was any significant difference between english and arabic teachers’ frequency, confidence, and success in choosing different strategies; non- parametric friedman test, chi square, and independent t-tests were used to analyze the data. it was found that english teachers frequently reported employing differentiated and preventive strategies while arabic teachers reported using all strategies almost the same. overall, the strategies english teachers reported most frequently were the ones that they had more self-efficacy and success in using them. while arabic teacher reported having high self-efficacy in using later corrective, they reported more success in using differentiated strategies. in addition, teachers’ infrequent use, self-efficacy, and success in employing reward strategies were to some extent unexpected. the comparison between english and arabicin-service teachers provides an opportunity to investigate the ways in which behavior management might be located within two different languages in the same context. therefore, the resultshaveimplications for not only universityeducators but also schooladministrators and teachers. school administers or more experienced teachers could model successful management strategies for their peers or novice teachers. in addition, the results of this study provide a link between practicum experience and the learning that takes place in teacher education programs.