زابلی پور, سهیلا

دانشگاه علوم پزشکی یاسوج،ایران

[ 1 ] - بررسی کیفیت گزارش پرستاری در حیطه‌های مختلف و علل عدم گزارش نویسی صحیح توسط پرستاران در بیمارستان شهید بهشتی یاسوج

مقدمه: گزارش نویسی در پرستاری از جمله مسئولیت‌های مهم رشته پرستاری ست که پس از چندین دهه آموزش و تاکید بر لزوم اجرای صحیح آن، همچنان با مشکلات متعددی روبروست. این پژوهش با هدف بررسی کیفیت گزارش پرستاری در حیطه‌های مختلف و علل عدم گزارش نویسی صحیح توسط پرستاران بیمارستان شهید بهشتی یاسوج انجام شده است. روش کار: مطالعه حاضر از نوع توصیفی مقطعی است که در آن اطلاعات جمع آوری شده از 120 پرونده و 100...

[ 2 ] - The Effect of Family-Oriented Discharge Program on the Level of Preparedness for Care-Giving and Stress Experienced by the Family of Stroke Survivors

Objectives: Many families in Iran fail to adapt to their new role of being a stroke caregiver and experience high levels of distress; thus, they may need some form of support. The present study aimed to develop a discharge planning program for the family caregivers of stroke patients in Iran. We also determined the program efficacy on their level of stress and preparedness for caregiving. Meth...

[ 3 ] - Effect of Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise on Pain Intensity in Women after Colorectal Surgery

Aim and scope: The most important complications after colorectal surgery is pain which use of nonpharmacologic methods to reduce the complications has been considered by researchers. This study was conducted aiming at study on effect of Pelvic-floor muscle (PFM) exercises on Severity of pain after colorectal surgery. Materials and methods: this study is a randomized clinical trial; the statist...

[ 4 ] - Challenges of work-family conflicts in nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic and its management strategies: a review study

Introduction: The covid-19 epidemic is one of the biggest challenges facing the healthcare system today. Currently, nurses, as the main members of the treatment team, are experiencing many conflicts when it comes to balancing work and family. The purpose of this study was to identify the challenges associated with work-family conflict in nurses and find an effective solution for managing it. ...