پهلوان‌زاده, باقر

گروه آمار زیستی، دانشکده پیراپزشکی، دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شهید بهشتی، تهران.

[ 1 ] - تعدیل اریبی نسبت شانس حاصل از طبقه‌بندی نادرست مواجهه‌ها با استفاده از روش‌های بیزی در بررسی عوامل محیطی مرتبط با سرطان ریه

Background & Objective: Inability to measure exact exposure in epidemiological studies is a common problem in many studies, especially cross-sectional studies. Depending on the extent of misclassification, results may be affected. Existing methods for solving this problem require a lot of time and money and it is not practical for some of the exposures. Recently, new methods have been proposed ...

[ 2 ] - Factor Structure of the Smoking Temptation Scale: Cross-Validation in Iranian men

Background: The transtheoretical model (TTM) is used as a framework to implement smoking cessation programs. This model has some subscales based on which the smoking temptation scale is proposed as stages movement factor. This study aimed to translate and validate the temptation subscales of the TTM questionnaire in the Iranian population. Methods...

[ 3 ] - Association of lipid markers with coronary heart disease and stroke mortality: A 15-year follow-up study

Objective(s): It has been proposed that lipid markers may predict cardiovascular events; however, their effect may vary depending on the type of cardiovascular disease. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of lipid markers on death from coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke in competing risks setting.Materials and Methods:</stron...

[ 4 ] - Assessment of the Microbiological Quality of Caspian Seawater and the Role of Physicochemical Factors on Microbial Load

Introduction: Analyzing the health risk associated with the microbial contamination of seawater is necessary to ensure that there is not any threat to human or environment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the microbiological quality of Caspian sea water using indicator bacteria. Some Physicochemical parameters were studied to assed their association with the contamination level of Caspian...

[ 5 ] - Effectiveness of Sambucus ebulus Leaf Extract in Treatment of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis: A Double Blind Clinical Trial

Background and purpose: Cutaneous leishmaniasis is a skin disease manifested as chronic ulcerative skin lesions. Current standard therapies for this disease are associated with some problems such as high cost, numerous side effects, need for injections, and drug resistance. Sambucus ebulus is used in treatment of skin inflammation. This study aimed at investigating the effects of S. ebulus leaf...