نام پژوهشگر: آذر نفیسی

psychological reformation of jane austens heroines: pride and prejudice and mansfield park
پایان نامه 0 1374
  فرزانه علاءالدینی   آذر نفیسی

this study focuses on jane austens representation of her heroines in two of her novels: pride and prejudice, and mansfield park. i have concentrated only on a single idea: how jane austen takes her heroines through a course of psychogical reformation to which almost everything else in her novel is subsidiary. although i have discussed only pride and prejudice, we can trace austens carefully planned scheme in her other principal novels (of course, expect mansfield park) in which she is always systematically furthering the psychological development of her heroines toward a definite point she has in mind. this is the specific road that i have taken in chapter ii which analyzed how in pride and prejudice austen uses the plot, the setting, even the characters other than the heroine herself in order to further the heroines psychological development. chapter iii explores mansfield park in which austen deviates from her basic plan for her heroine. fanny price seems to be a faultless character, therfore she is unlike elizabeth bennet and other develoing heroines. and this is an important point. in chapter iv i compare elizabeth benna as a sample of austens developing heroines with fanny price, austens exceptional faultless heroine. the major theoretical claim of this thesis is to reveal how austens well-ordered plan to taken her heroine through a course of psychological reformation-which requires certain plot, characters, sethings and events at certain times- is changed fundamentally in mansfied park. this deviation costs austen a lot, she must ignore her characteristic artistic devices: psychological reformation. developing character, and irony.

the search for the self in becketts theatre: waiting for godot and endgame
پایان نامه 0 1374
  ترانه محقق زاده   آذر نفیسی

this thesis is based upon the works of samuel beckett. one of the greatest writers of contemporary literature. here, i have tried to focus on one of the main themes in becketts works: the search for the real "me" or the real self, which is not only a problem to be solved for beckett man but also for each of us. i have tried to show becketts techniques in approaching this unattainable goal, based on two of his plays: waiting for godot and endgame. i believe this study as well as any other work on beckett is not only the story of the characters involved but our own and ourselves are the real centre of the book and if i have been successful in conveying just a small part of this feeling, i shall be grateful.