Nasrin Samadi

Department of Drug and Food Control

[ 1 ] - Comparison of the Adjuvanticity of Aluminum Salts and Their Combination in Hepatitis B Recombinant Protein Vaccine Assessed in Mice

Background: Several adjuvants have been evaluated for vaccine formulations but alu-minum salts will continue to be used for many years due to their safety, low cost and adjuvanticity with different antigens. Two commonly used aluminum adjuvants, alumi-num hydroxide and aluminum phosphate have different adjuvanticity properties. Com-mercial recombinant protein hepatitis B vaccines containing alu...

[ 2 ] - Optimization of Culture Conditions for Enrichment of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with Dl-α-Tocopherol by Response Surface Methodology

Designing enriched probiotic supplements may have some advantages including protection of probiotic microorganism from oxidative destruction, improving enzyme activity of the gastrointestinal tract and probably increasing half-life of micronutrient. In this study Saccharomyces cerevisiae enriched with α-tocopherol produced as an accumulator and transporter of a lipid soluble vitamin for the fir...

[ 3 ] - Preparation and Antibacterial Activity Evaluation of 18-β-glycyrrhetinic Acid Loaded PLGA Nanoparticles

AbstractThe aim of the present study was to formulate poly (lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) nanoparticles loaded with 18-β-glycyrrhetinic acid (GLA) with appropriate physicochemical properties and antimicrobial activity. GLA loaded PLGA nanoparticles were prepared with different drug to polymer ratios, acetone contents and sonication times and the antibacterial activity of the developed nanopartic...

[ 4 ] - Antimicrobial Activities of Three Medicinal Plants and Investigation of Flavonoids of Tripleurospermum disciforme

Rosa damascena, Tripleurospermum disciforme and Securigera securidaca were used as disinfectant agents and for treatment of some disease in folk medicine of Iran. The antimicrobial effects of different fractions of seeds extract of S. securidaca, petals extract of R. damascena and aerial parts extract of T. disciforme were examined against some gram positive, gram negative and fungi by cup plat...

[ 5 ] - Bacterial Contamination of Single- and Multiple-Dose Vials after Multiple Use and Intravenous Admixtures in Three Different Hospitals in Iran

There is possibility of microbial contamination of any single-dose vials (SDVs), multiple-dose vials (MDVs) and admixtures (ADXs) during the preparation and injection to the patients that could be resulted in bloodstream infection. The goal of this study was to investigate the microbial contamination of MDVs and SDVs after multiple use and ADXs prepared by nursing staff in the treatment room ve...

[ 6 ] - Evaluation of Thimerosal Removal on Immunogenicity of Aluminum Salts Adjuvanted Recombinant Hepatitis B Vaccine

     Thimerosal, which is approximately 50% mercury by weight is a preservative widely used in vaccines since the 1930’s. It meets the requirements for a preservative as set forth by Pharmacopeia challenge test and has been shown to be effective against a broad spectrum of pathogens. In July 1999, the Public Health Service agencies and vaccine manufacturers agreed that thimerosal should be redu...

[ 7 ] - Synthesis and In-vitro Antibacterial Activities of Acetylanthracene and Acetylphenanthrene Derivatives of Some Fluoroquinolones

Novel analogues of N-piperazinyl fluoroquinolones were prepared and evaluated against a panel of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, to study the effect of introducing bulky anthracene and phenanthrene moieties on the antibacterial effects of norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin and gatifloxacin. Although most of the novel synthesized compounds had lower antibacterial effects, some derivatives show...

[ 8 ] - Optimization of Culture Conditions for Enrichment of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with Dl-α-Tocopherol by Response Surface Methodology

Designing enriched probiotic supplements may have some advantages including protection of probiotic microorganism from oxidative destruction, improving enzyme activity of the gastrointestinal tract and probably increasing half-life of micronutrient. In this study Saccharomyces cerevisiae enriched with α-tocopherol produced as an accumulator and transporter of a lipid soluble vitamin for the fir...

[ 9 ] - Preparation and Antibacterial Activity Evaluation of 18-β-glycyrrhetinic Acid Loaded PLGA Nanoparticles

AbstractThe aim of the present study was to formulate poly (lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) nanoparticles loaded with 18-β-glycyrrhetinic acid (GLA) with appropriate physicochemical properties and antimicrobial activity. GLA loaded PLGA nanoparticles were prepared with different drug to polymer ratios, acetone contents and sonication times and the antibacterial activity of the developed nanopartic...

[ 10 ] - Antimicrobial Activities of Three Medicinal Plants and Investigation of Flavonoids of Tripleurospermum disciforme

Rosa damascena, Tripleurospermum disciforme and Securigera securidaca were used as disinfectant agents and for treatment of some disease in folk medicine of Iran. The antimicrobial effects of different fractions of seeds extract of S. securidaca, petals extract of R. damascena and aerial parts extract of T. disciforme were examined against some gram positive, gram negative and fungi by cup plat...

[ 11 ] - Bacterial Contamination of Single- and Multiple-Dose Vials after Multiple Use and Intravenous Admixtures in Three Different Hospitals in Iran

There is possibility of microbial contamination of any single-dose vials (SDVs), multiple-dose vials (MDVs) and admixtures (ADXs) during the preparation and injection to the patients that could be resulted in bloodstream infection. The goal of this study was to investigate the microbial contamination of MDVs and SDVs after multiple use and ADXs prepared by nursing staff in the treatment room ve...

[ 12 ] - Evaluation of Thimerosal Removal on Immunogenicity of Aluminum Salts Adjuvanted Recombinant Hepatitis B Vaccine

     Thimerosal, which is approximately 50% mercury by weight is a preservative widely used in vaccines since the 1930’s. It meets the requirements for a preservative as set forth by Pharmacopeia challenge test and has been shown to be effective against a broad spectrum of pathogens. In July 1999, the Public Health Service agencies and vaccine manufacturers agreed that thimerosal should be redu...

[ 13 ] - Synthesis and In-vitro Antibacterial Activities of Acetylanthracene and Acetylphenanthrene Derivatives of Some Fluoroquinolones

Novel analogues of N-piperazinyl fluoroquinolones were prepared and evaluated against a panel of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, to study the effect of introducing bulky anthracene and phenanthrene moieties on the antibacterial effects of norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin and gatifloxacin. Although most of the novel synthesized compounds had lower antibacterial effects, some derivatives show...

[ 14 ] - بررسی شرایط تولید رامنولیپید حاصل از سویه‌های مختلف سودوموناس آئروژینوزا

سابقه و هدف: رامنولیپید‌ها به گروه بیوسورفاکتانت‌های گلیکولیپیدی متعلق هستند و اولین بار از سودوموناس آئروژینوزا جدا شدند. رامنولیپید‌ها به دلیل سمیت پایین، زیست تخریب پذیری و عملکرد انتخابی، جایگزین مناسبی برای سورفاکتانت‌های صناعی هستند. با توجه به مزایا و موارد کاربرد گسترده بیوسورفاکتانت ها، هدف از این تحقیق، بررسی شرایط تولید بیوسورفاکتانت‌های حاصل از سودوموناس آئروژینوزا 9027ATCC و دو سو...

[ 15 ] - Production of vitamin D3 enriched biomass of Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a potential food supplement: evaluation and optimization of culture conditions using Plackett–Burman and response surface methodological approaches

Vitamin D deficiency causes osteoporosis, osteopenia, fractures, rickets and more recently is linked with some chronic illnesses such as cancer. Because of the safety and probiotic properties of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we hypothesized that yeast cells enriched with cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) could represent a solution for prevention or treatment of vitamin D deficiency. In this st...

[ 16 ] - Production of vitamin D3 enriched biomass of Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a potential food supplement: evaluation and optimization of culture conditions using Plackett–Burman and response surface methodological approaches

Vitamin D deficiency causes osteoporosis, osteopenia, fractures, rickets and more recently is linked with some chronic illnesses such as cancer. Because of the safety and probiotic properties of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we hypothesized that yeast cells enriched with cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) could represent a solution for prevention or treatment of vitamin D deficiency. In this st...

[ 17 ] - Evaluation of Anti-oxidant and Anti-biofilm Activities of Biogenic Surfactants Derived from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Biosurfactants, the microbial originated surface active agents, can modify the physicochemical properties of surfaces and reduce the bacterial adhesion via changing bacterial adhesion interactions on surfaces.  They were also able to block oxidative chain reactions and might show antioxidant properties. The goal of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant and antibiofilm activities of biosurf...

[ 18 ] - Evaluation of Anti-oxidant and Anti-biofilm Activities of Biogenic Surfactants Derived from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Biosurfactants, the microbial originated surface active agents, can modify the physicochemical properties of surfaces and reduce the bacterial adhesion via changing bacterial adhesion interactions on surfaces.  They were also able to block oxidative chain reactions and might show antioxidant properties. The goal of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant and antibiofilm activities of biosurf...