علیزاده وقاصلو, مهدی

5- گروه طب سنتی، دانشکده طب سنتی، دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران، تهران، ایران

[ 1 ] - مروری بر شاخصهای تعیین مزاج معده در طب سنتی ایرانی

سابقه و هدف: بیماریهای گوارشی از معضلات نظام سلامت در دنیا می‌‌باشد. از منظر طب ایرانی، معده مرحله دوم هضم را آغاز می‌کند و عملکرد آن نقش مهمی در سلامت یا بیماری انسان دارد. منابع مکتوب طب ایرانی شاخص‌های فراوانی جهت تعیین مزاج سلامت و بیماری معده مطرح نموده‌اند. هدف از این مطالعه، جمع‌بندی شاخص‌‌های تشخیص مزاج‌های معده جهت کمک به تشخیص دقیقتر وضعیت سلامت یا بیماری معده می‌باشد. مواد و روش­ها: ...

[ 2 ] - Major and minor diagnostic criteria of liver dystemperament in Iranian Traditional Medicine: A Qualitative Study

Introduction: Liver dystemperament is one of the main concepts of Iranian Traditional Medicine. However, the significance of its diagnostic criteria is not clear. The purpose of this study is to determine the major and minor diagnostic criteria of liver dystemperament in Iranian Traditional Medicine. Methods: This study is a qualitative study based on a hybrid model or a combination of theoret...

[ 3 ] - Explanation of Movement and Stasis of Body Fluids in Traditional Persian Medicine

Background and Objectives: One of the most commonly used concepts of Iranian Traditional Medicine (ITM) is movement and stasis of the body fluids, which has not yet been independently studied. In this article, ITM contents have been re-studied on this concept, and according to the dispersion of the content, classification and its therapeutic benefits have been mentioned.   Methods: In this lib...

[ 4 ] - Major and minor criteria for gastric dystemperaments in Persian Medicine: Sari gastric dystemperament criteria-I (SGDC-I)

Background: Gastric disorders are one of the most common human ailments, which impose a huge economic burden on countries. In Persian Medicine (PM), it is possible to predict the susceptibility to gastric diseases with diagnosis of gastric Mizajes (te...