hashemi, mamak

Hamadan University of Medical Sciences

[ 1 ] - Major and minor diagnostic criteria of liver dystemperament in Iranian Traditional Medicine: A Qualitative Study

Introduction: Liver dystemperament is one of the main concepts of Iranian Traditional Medicine. However, the significance of its diagnostic criteria is not clear. The purpose of this study is to determine the major and minor diagnostic criteria of liver dystemperament in Iranian Traditional Medicine. Methods: This study is a qualitative study based on a hybrid model or a combination of theoret...

[ 2 ] - Evaluation of Mechanism and Applications of Different Types of Massage in Current Medicine and Traditional Medicine

Background and Objectives: Massage is one of the ancient therapeutic methods, which has been considered and used by all nations. In the past, massage has been used to maintain health and treat diseases, that has continued until the present time. This review study was performed with the purpose of achieving applications and mechanisms of current and traditional massages.   Methods: Google Schol...

[ 3 ] - Major and minor criteria for gastric dystemperaments in Persian Medicine: Sari gastric dystemperament criteria-I (SGDC-I)

Background: Gastric disorders are one of the most common human ailments, which impose a huge economic burden on countries. In Persian Medicine (PM), it is possible to predict the susceptibility to gastric diseases with diagnosis of gastric Mizajes (te...