عنوان ژورنال
علوم آب و خاک
- درجه :علمی پژوهشی وزارت علوم
- issn :2476-3594
- ناشر :دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان
شماره 3 تاریخ انتشار 2019-12
- The Study of Inlet Section on Flow Hydraulics in Zigzag-Morning Glory Spillways with Physical Modelling
- Dryland Wheat Grain Yield and Yield Components as Affected by Slope Direction and Residue Rates
- Checking the Sensitivity of Solute Advection- Dispersion Model to Reaction Coefficients and River Hydraulic Properties in the Process of Dissolved Oxygen Simulation
- Estimated Water Requirements and Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni Crop Coefficient in Semi-Dry Climate under Lysimetric Conditions
- Sensitivity Analysis of Aquacrop Model for Barley in Pakdasht Region
- Investigating the Effect of Zeolite on the Coefficients of Soil Moisture Curve Models in Two Sandy and Loamy Texture
- Evaluation of the Quality of Irrigation Water of Downstream of the Zard River Using Statistical Analysis
- Effects of Soil Parameters on Aboveground Net Primary Production in Meadow Rangelands in Fandoghlou Region of Namin County, Ardabil Province
- Status, Source and Environmental Pollution Assessment of Some Heavy Metals in Street Dust of Dezful City
- Modelling the Relationship between the Frequency of Dust Storms and Climatic Variables in the Summer Time in Desert Areas of Iran
- Performance Evaluation of Two Strategies of “Lining” and “Automated Operation” in Reducing the Water Conveyance and Distribution Losses within the Main Canals, Case Study of Moghan Main Canal
- Evaluation of Field Performance of Steady State Drainage Equations for Sugarcane Agro-Industrial Company in Khuzestan
- Effects of Raw Water Quality on the Efficiency of Domestic Reverse Osmosis Apparatus in Khuzestan Province
- Application of Evolutionary Algorithm to Optimization of ANNIS Model for Discharge Coefficient Circular Side Spillway Modeling
- Comparison of Applied Water and Estimated Water Requirement by WUCOLS and LIMP Methods for Golha Garden in Isfahan
- Using of Metaheuristic Water Cycle Algorithm in order to Determine Optimal Crop Cultivation across of Genetic Algorithm and linear programming (Case Study: Varamin Irrigation Network)
- Protective Role of Biochar in Different Soil Moisture for Prevent Soil Loss in Laboratory Conditions
- Numerical Simulation and Estimation of the Transvers Macrodispersivity Coefficient of Aqueous Phase (Miscible) Contaminants of Salt Water in a Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Porous Media
- Soil's Petroleum Contamination and Carbon Nanotubes Effects on Maize Plant Growth Parameters
- The Numerical and Experimental Study of Scouring Pattern around Direct and Polo-Shaped Groynes
- Evaluation of COD and BOD5 Removal Efficiency by Combined Treatment Aerobic-Anaerobic (AO) on Sewage of Metal Industries
- Assessing Relation of Soil Hydrophobicity and Soil Water Content and Determining Threshold Moisture of Organic Soil Samples
- Experimental Investigation of the Characteristics of Hydraulic Jump in a Diverging Stilling Basin with an Adverse Slope Using Baffle Blocks
- The Investigation of the Estimation Precision of Infiltration Equation Parameters Based on Soil Physics Characteristics for Furrow Irrigation
- Study of Soils and Aeolians Pollution to Heavy Metals in Shahrekord Plain
- Land Use Changes in Dust Sources of South and South-East Ahwaz
- Hydraulic Parameters Sensitivity Analysis of Porous Media at Inverse Solution of Bromide Transport
- The Effect of Drought on Surface Water Quality of the Halil-Rood Basin, Kerman
- Identifying the Determinant Factors Influencing S Index in Calcereous Soils Using Anneling Simulated– Artificial Neural Network Hybrid Algorithm
- Comparison of Hydraulic Performance of Linear and Nonlinear Piano-Key Weirs in Plan