Zahra Parsaei Mehr

Department of Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, Sabzevar, Iran

[ 1 ] - P28: A Case of Dissociative Amnesia after Hospitalization

It shows that a possible relationship between anxiety and dissociation disorder. Dissociative disorder includes dissociative amnesia, depersonalization and the realization that they can occur when a person exposes to severe psychiatric stressful events that they have strong negative emotion for him and then he cannot cope with them, so use unsuitable strategies for coping such as memory loss (d...

[ 2 ] - P160: Effects of Cardiovascular Diseases on Cognitive Impairment in Elderlies

As increasing in elderly population cognitive impairment such as dementia is increasing dramatically. Alzheimer and vascular dementia are two types of dementia that can be result of cardiovascular disorder. Dementia affects quality of life and life expectancy, thus caring and paying attention to mental and somatic complementation after chronic disease is necessary and may be useful in delay the...

[ 4 ] - Mental Health and Its Influencing Factors in Iranian Soldiers: Review Study

Background and Aim: Mental health is one of the important issues that has been taken seriously in recent years. The issue of soldierschr('39') health is a vital issue that has caused many challenges today. The importance of the problem is especially high when some studies show that the problems of this group are increasing. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of reviewing the menta...