Ali Khatibi

Centre of Precision Rehabilitation for Spinal Pain, School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK

[ 2 ] - Effect of Physiological Noise on Thoraco-lumbar Spinal Cord FMRI in 3T Magnetic Field

Introduction: Functional MRI methods have been used to study sensorimotor processing in the Spinal cord. However, these techniques confront unwanted contributions to the measured signal from the physiological fluctuations. For the spinal cord imaging, most of the challenges are consequences of cardiac and respiratory movement artifacts that are considered as significant sources of noise, especi...

[ 3 ] - Differential Cortical Oscillatory Patterns in Amputees with and Without Phantom Limb Pain

Objective: Phantom limb pain (PLP) as neuropathic pain affects the life of amputees. It is believed an efficient PLP treatment should consider the underlying neurological mechanisms. Hereby, we investigated brain activity in PLP’s and relations to the psychological and cognitive dimension of chronic pain. We investigate differences in resting brain activities between amputees with and without p...