Shirin Tavakoli

Department of Toxicology and Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran

[ 1 ] - Safety Evaluation of Nano Iron Zero Valente Green Synthesized: A Comparative Study

Objective(s): Nowadays, examining the toxicity of nanoparticles including the synthesized and functionalized iron nanoparticles using methods like green synthesis is highly considered, due to their increasing usage in various fields of medicine, biology, industrial, and pollution removal. Hence, in this study, the toxicity of the zero valent iron nanoparticles synthesized by plant-Myrtus commun...

[ 2 ] - Green synthesis of multifunctional silver nanoparticles using quercetin and their therapeutic potential

Objective(s): Active species used in bio-chemical for synthesizing nanoparticles is poly phenolic compounds. The ability of flavonoids (e.g. quercetin) to dissolve in water is low and the production of metallic nanoparticles from them in the aqueous medium is hard. Previous studies recommend that quercetin was not capable of reducing Ag+ to Ag0. The current research aimed at synthesizing querce...