Mohsen Mohamadi

The Persian Gulf Marine Biotechnology Research Center, the Persian Gulf Biomedical Sciences Research Institute, Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, Bushehr, Iran

[ 1 ] - Incorporation of T-cell epitopes from tetanus and diphtheria toxoids into in-silico-designed hypoallergenic vaccine may enhance the protective immune response against allergens

Objective(s): New generation of allergy vaccines is capable of promoting the development of protective IgG and blocking the functionality of allergen-specific IgE. We incorporated universal and powerful T-cell epitopes from tetanus and diphtheria toxoids (TD epitope) into recombinant Che a 2, the well-known allergic profilin of Chenopodium album, to determine its immun...

[ 2 ] - Cloning and Expression of 2S Albumin As a Major Allergen of Persian Walnut

Background: Food hypersensitivity to walnut usually results in mild symptoms; however, several cases of anaphylactic reactions to this product have been observed. This study aimed to determine the immunochemical characteristics of the Persian walnut and provide the recombinant form of its main allergen. Materials and Methods: The allergenic proteins of th...